An Insight to Eventing
From a 6.30 am start, a 5.30 am start to a 2.30am start. From one motorway to another, from one field to the next one!
The 2015 event season certainly is a busy one. With a string of fantastic horses, along with their amazing owners and an incredible team behind me it’s proving to be a successful one!
March, and the past few months, have showed lots of promising novice horses which have progressed up to this point, picking up 4 NRF qualifications, lots of prizes and the ability to jump to the next level.
Aston le walls in a few weeks time will see them do this; so here is hoping that they make the step up a good one.

Imperato the 3* horse I ride has bounced his way round an advanced, a CIC*** and Bramham CCI***. He will now head out for a couple of easy runs before heading to my favourite and local event Blenheim International.
The last couple of weeks have especially been a bit crazy, with over 600 miles covered in just one weekend (Friday – Sunday), 8 horses competing and 3 different venues. It’s great being on the road so much and travelling to some fantastic places, but it definitely needs stamina and dedication!
I was grateful of a local event this weekend at the beautiful Purston Manor with 7 horses. The 30 minute drive was welcomed. The horses were great and it was brilliant to have so many of my owners make it to this one.
I love this time of year. It makes all of the winters preparations worth it. The horses are looking (and feeling) great, and performing their best, aswell as making the relevant progressions. Thanks to everyone behind the scenes and out front, it would not be possible without all of this help!
A New Arrival

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