Hello! While my schooling with Mary, both on the flat and over fences, has been going well over the winter, once in the ring she has been really underperforming. She wasn’t going forward into the fence and was really hard work. We also couldn’t get any condition on her so we decided to have her scoped and we found she had very bad stomach ulcers (Grade 4). She has had a month off and is on medication and supplements.
We got her re-scoped again to see how things are healing and I’m very pleased that most of them have cleared up; there are just a couple of the glandular ones down near the pyloric sphincter. At first I was very annoyed and disappointed. I then realised it’s just another setback we are going to overcome and hopefully improve from. While she was in tremendous pain she still jumped well and tried her hardest, so hopefully once she is completely healed it can only get better!
By the time she was back in work she wasn’t fit enough to compete at Blue chip, which was upsetting as this was our goal. I am lucky to have Secret and we jumped at Blue Chip in the non-Championship classes. Secret and I are getting on well together. He is at ours and has settled incredibly well. He feels relaxed and happy.
I am looking forward to when exams are over and I can fully concentrate on both ponies and our jumping. Roll on summer and an extended period without any disasters.
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