My new years resolution, to get better at remembering to blog! 2018 was an all round successful season with a slightly earlier finish than planned. NPS Figi carried on with her consistent self throughout her 6 year old year. Figi ended the season on a real high with a very successful show at Arena UK festival in September, jumping double clears and qualifying for the 6 year old Grand Prix and the Foxhunter Grand Prix. I couldn’t be more proud of…
It’s no secret that I love my horses. It may sound sad to some, but I really couldn’t imagine life without them. They always brighten up my day. I therefore thought it was about time I wrote a little post introducing the horses and…
TRM | Good As Gold & SynBioVit Review
There’s a lot of feed supplements on the market and I find it can be difficult to determine what is best and safe to use. However, one company that has stood out to me is Ireland based, TRM. They have been in the market…
Elle McCoan’s Show Jumping Blog | New Horses & Moving To Dorset…
Well, its certainly been a while since I last blogged! A lot has happened and changed for me since the last one… After Lightning went off to his new home in July, there was a new girl on the block. Meet WKD Haiti, a…
Elle McCoan’s Show Jumping Blog | “I have a lot of love for this brave horse, he has the heart of a lion”
So it’s been a busy month or so settling back into a busy show season for me and the horses! Starting with one of my favourite shows of the season, Bicton 5 day show. All the horses jumped fab over the whole weekend. Ed…
Poppy Burford’s Junior Show Jumping Blog | Overcoming another set back…
Hello! While my schooling with Mary, both on the flat and over fences, has been going well over the winter, once in the ring she has been really underperforming. She wasn’t going forward into the fence and was really hard work. We also couldn’t…
Elle McCoan’s Show Jumping Blog | A good start to the season & a new addition
After a much needed break over the winter, it was all go in January bringing the horses back into work. With them all settled into their new yard, I spent the next 6 weeks getting them fit again ready for this season, and they…
Making plans for 2017 Hello! When I last wrote I had one of the Blue Chip Championship Qualifiers coming up. However unfortunately one was cancelled, and another I was away for! As it is a New Year, I am excited for the opportunities ahead.…
Product Spotlight | Jord Wood Watches
JORD “No riding outfit is complete without a good watch.” Equestrians have a long standing association with quality watches and time peices. You’ll notice many riders sporting a stylish watch on their wrist when competing, especially within the Show Jumping and Eventing world. There’s…
What a year 2016 turned out to be, had a great year getting to know both relatively new horses and some great results, with a lot of fun along the way! My biggest highlight of 2016 has to be Royal Cornwall with Ed, he…