For most it’s the end of a busy season and it’s also a time for reflection. It may have been a great season for some, but for others it may have been a season of disappointment.
With Winter on the door step, things can start to feel, frankly, a bit depressing – especially if the season has not gone to plan.
Blow away the cobwebs
I particularly find the winter months really tough. It’s wet, dark, cold, and if horses are not your day job, finding time to ride can be really difficult. If coming into winter is making you feel a bit miserable, pick yourself up, go for a gallop flat out across the field and remember why you do the thing you love. I guarantee you’ll feel a lot better after you’ve blown away those cobwebs! Just try to not fall off in the process :-).
Do what you love
There’s been so many times I’ve said to myself:
“Abi, why do you still do this sport? You spend all your money, energy, time and what have you got to show for it?!”
This is probably all getting a bit deep, but I’m sure many of you have asked yourself the same thing before?
If you have a dream, go for it! At the end of the day you only live once, so really, what have you got to loose?
Here’s my three top things to stay Horse Happy this winter:
- Have a day off training to have some fun with you horse. By factoring a fun day into your weekly training program, it will help you remember why you love it.
- Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, or your horse. Remember that at the end of the day it should be fun and enjoyable for both of you. If it’s not, change it/do something different.
- Don’t loose sight of your dreams. It can be hard to see past the mud and cold weather in Winter so remember to keep sight of that bigger goal. Don’t let small hiccups upset you.
And remember….
Lots of love,
Abi x
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