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Country life

Abi Rule Country Life Country Style Interiors Lifestyle

Tips For Styling A Country Cottage

July 30, 2018

It was, and still is, an exciting journey renovating a cottage.  I have loved each and every minute of it. However, like most renovation projects it doesn’t come without its difficulties. One thing I found particularly frustrating was finding my sense of style.  Styling the cottage was a much bigger challenge than I had anticipated! It’s taken me a year of moving things it and out to start feeling happy with the way it looks. Here’s some valuable things I’ve learnt on…

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Country Cute Cushion
Country Country Life Interiors Reviews

Country Interiors by Country Cute

Recently I came across the aptly named Country Cute who make some of the most gorgeous, country life inspired, handmade items.  For anyone looking to add a hint of country to their home their products couldn’t be more fitting. Obviously (me being me), I was after something…

March 23, 2015